It's been a quiet year for equine photography. I have been so busy with my 40/40 Project ladies (who are amazing and I'm loving every minute of it!) that I haven't had a chance to photograph many horses & ponies this year so getting the chance to photograph Rupert was an absolute dream.
He's such a glorious fella with a gorgeous long mane, a cute white blaze across his nose and a sassy personality to go with it. We took him to the beach where he spent time galloping up and down the shoreline with his owner Amber and I got some great images. However, I love this still image of him looking out to sea. Two grey seals were playing in the waves that I think he had his eye on.
Norfolk has some gorgeous beaches so being able to take Amber and Rupert to one was so much fun!
Where would you have your horse or pony photographed?
If you want to learn more about our For Pets portrait sessions head over to here or take a minute to look through our gallery of other pets that we have been interested in.